本次賽事的冠軍與亞軍皆可獲得 GRAND CHAMPION CUP 的參賽資格。 若本場賽事的冠軍或亞軍與上一場星球交鋒戰的獲獎者重複,則獎品將保持不變,但 GRAND CHAMPION CUP 的參賽資格將依排名順序順延給後續名次的選手。 The champion and runner-up of this tournament will both qualify for the GRAND CHAMPION CUP. If the champion or runner-up of this tournament has already qualified in the previous "Planet Clash Battle," the prizes will remain unchanged, but the GRAND CHAMPION CUP qualification will be passed down to the next ranked participant. 🔻線上報名現線上繳費,報名連結: